When you see the letter "W" what do you think of? For some people they think of a certain U.S. president, George "dub'yah" Bush (yeah, that was my lame attempt at a "southern" accent), and for other's they think of W magazine. I was perusing the W mag website today when I stumbled upon both images. In the first picture the model is wearing Chanel (can't you tell?), and I love the added detail of the baby deer. It adds to the overall sweetness of the image. Whereas photograph two has me enamoured with blue dresses. I love the first and second dresses from the left, the pale sky blue colour is fab (although, I do love all the other dresses as well). This photograph is making me seriously contemplate wearing a pale blue dress to prom. Perhaps a dress which is similar to the first dress, except it would be longer. I think it might be something totally different then what everyone else would be wearing, meaning they would have tons of glitter and cleavage, and I would be the Bella of the ball! What do you think? Which dress is your favourite one?
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