As far as boyfriends go, Paulie Bleeker is totally boss. He is the cheese to my macaroni.
I have something to profess (any of my friends reading this, you wont be shocked since you already know this)... I love Daniel Radcliffe. I used to have this massive thing for him, ever since the first Harry Potter movie, now its more like a soft spot for him since my love for him has cooled down quite a bit. Though I will admit whenever I see an interview with him, I stop dead in my tracks and take the time to read or watch the interview (quite frankly, that sounds kinda creepy actually...). I found this picture on FredFlare.com and couldn't resist showing it to you, its from the book Geeky Dreamboats, it made me smile.
Ever since Juno came out last year I have wanted a Cheeseburger phone, their so rad! I found it on FredFlare, its only 26 dollars. I so want to be like "Hello, this is Jem, I'm on my Cheeseburger Phone, whats up?"... that would be so awesome!