This is one of my absolute all time favorite spreads in Vogue featuring the amazing Keira Knightley. I loved Keira as the kick ace heroine in the pirates movie but even more so as my favorite literary heroine; Elizabeth Bennet. I just love the period pieces which they used during this shoot it has such a romantic aspect to it. Which is what I suppose they ("they" being the editors at Vogue) were trying to achieve. Africa has always appeared as a romantic faraway place for many to someday visit. I think everyone has their version of a romantic faraway place which they long to travel to, for me its India, for others its Africa, but its the place where we feel connected to, even if we never set foot on its soil. It is that connection which draws us to anything related to the place which is in our dreams; so for me that means, eating lots of Indian food (which I had for dinner tonight, yum!), reading all the books I can on India, and seeing lots of movies where the setting features Indian culture. For others it may be different, but I see my romantic faraway place as the somewhere in which you go to discover yourself. What are your thoughts on the matter?
i would really love to go to Africa one day