International magazines. I love reading or looking at the pictures of magazines from other countries. It fascinates me how globally diverse and stylish people are from different corners of the world. I've been lucky enough to score a few issues of British mags like Vogue, Talter, Glamour, and Lula. Mostly of those I bought myself when I was in England, my aunt and I stocked up on magazines when we had two hours to kill before our train departed bound for London. Though a few my auntie gifted to me after she was done reading them after long flights to visit us. When I was coming back from Italy we were on Lufthansa airline so all the magazines they had on board were German. Their was a copy of German Glamour which I read, more like tried to decipher, for much of the flight. Although I've never taken German in school I could figure out what some on the content was. Besides, when I got tired of trying to read a language I couldn't even understand I would just look at the pretty pictures. When we were in San Fransisco this summer we went to that amazing magazine shop I told you about in a previous post. They stocked magazines from all across the globe; from India, Italy, to the Netherlands, and elsewhere. I thought I was in heaven, I could have spent all day in the shop, too bad my mom and sister dragged me away for dinner. I think I might have a slight obsession with magazines, the last time I counted I have over 200 issues! Holy Crap that's a lot! Now before you go thinking I have some sort of problem let me state I've been collecting them since the days I read the now disbanded Teen People (which was ages ago). I love to look back at pass issues and seek inspiration. I try to read every magazine I can get my hands on, whether it be Fashion, Political, or Oprah (yes, I'm seventeen and I read Oprah. Its my moms, I tend to steal it from her after she's read it). By doing so I hope I will become more educated on the world of magazine journalism, after all that is what I want to eventually do with my life! I have a Confession: I make notes on post its and place them on the pages of magazines so I can go back and see what I liked or didn't like about an editorial, photograph, or layout. That might just sound a tad odd, but I love making notes to better prepare myself! What can I say, I'm an over achiever!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
The Reader

Sunday, October 25, 2009
Breaking This Glass Ceiling

I think Queen Rania of Jordan might be one of the coolest royals out there! She has Twitter, and a Youtube page! She seems like one the most accessible royals out there, unlike the Queen of England (no disrespect to her, I love Queen E2!). I admire Queen Rania's work towards educating children and breaking down stereotypes of the middle east. I love that she represents a strong women who's "breaking the glass ceiling (isn't this what they said about Hilary Clinton during the last election?)" of female stereotypes proving you can be smart and look pretty. I read such a good article about her in the issue which had Michelle Obama on the cover (I think?), another kick ass women! Plus she has fab style, no?
"If an opportunity to take part in something culturally diverse arises—whether it's traveling to another country or learning another language—go for it! For the next few weeks, international influences can play a big part in your luck. So, if nothing is on the agenda, now is the time to start taking style inspiration from your favorite foreign flicks and researching upcoming vacations. Whichever the case, think globally."
This is my horoscope for the month! Isn't it fab? I don't always read the horoscopes, I like to believe they are real but I don't base my whole life around them, like I know some people do. This months totally made me happy though, I love taking inspiration from foreign flicks or clothing styles, I love researching travel plans (even if I am not heading anywhere!), and I am interested the cultures of others. So I think its a perfect fit! I love being a Pisces, we always get the coolest horoscopes (I might be biased though...)!
P.S. btw I forgot to say where I found all the pictures in the post below, on, sorry about that!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
The Way I See It
starbucks cup. Does anyone know if starbucks
is still putting quotes on their cups? I think its
a great idea!
how I feel about travel and culture.
drawn to this mans look, the monochromatic
blue colour scheme. Its a look which I think
would look equally good on a man as on a
women, does that make sense?
this is. Anywhere is better then being stuck here
still sick.
Monday, October 19, 2009
The Right Too...

Ever since I was little the one thing I have been looking forward to growing older is turning eighteen. Not because I can now legally do certain things but the rights which I gain when I turn eighteen. Every time there was an election, whether national or local I would go to the voting booths with my parents and help them pull down the lever which cast their vote. My parents instilled in me at a very young age the importance and freedom which comes with having the right to choose. So these last few years I have been very excited and eager to gain the right to vote. Especially during the election last year, I wanted my vote to count, but even though I couldn't have a ballot at least I could have an opinion. I might be one the very few teenagers I know who loves politics and fashion at the same time. I could watch a political debate, or read an article in the paper and be completely fascinated by it. I hate how so many of my peers care so little about this special right, especially when its girls, don't they remember what our fore mothers fought so hard for us to gain? By voting we are honouring their hard work and sacrifice's which they made. So I know where I'll be when my birthday rolls around in a few months, registering to vote!
P.S. Sorry for the kinda random post about the importance of voting, especially since its not a national election year! I figure its always good to be reminded of this at randoms times though... it keeps us in check!

Blah... today's post shall be a short one, I've been super busy this past weekend! First on Friday it was our homecoming football game which we won 39-0. I'm not particularly fond of football, I think its an incredibly dumb sport, yet I went to the game because it was to be my last homecoming ever (and also because my friends wanted me too... cave into peer pressure much? haha). I felt a tad sorry for the other team who we played against, they didn't even score so much as a point. It is this sadness for the other teams loss which my dad claims is why I'm not athletic! Then Saturday was spent lazying around the house watching Almost Famous until it was time to get ready for the school dance. We danced the night away, until the clock hit eleven and then it was as if I was Cinderella and I had to go back to reality. Sunday was spent at the cinema watching Where The Wild Things Are, with Gracie, Leah, and Mad. The movie was very quirky, but I don't think it was made with little children in mind, you have to be older to really understand the whole premise of the film. During the movie I herd a little boy ask his dad "is max having a dream?", boy children are way to smart for their own good these days! Okay, I guess I lied, this post isn't too short... Now I'm off to finnish the pile of homework lying on my desk!
P.S. Today's picture is a Harry Potter reference for you! Gah, I love Harry Potter! :)
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Serious Issue...

The Ever Manifesto
This website is the new go to site for learning about sustainable, organic fashion. Ever Manifesto was started to educate people, especially those in the fashion industry, the importance of being "ecofriendly." The articles on the site are suburb, especially my favourite one by Derek Blasberg . In the article he describes the now famous scene in the Devil Wear's Prada where Miranda explains that although Andrea may think that she is not impacted by fashion, the colour of the sweater she is wearing, was in fact at one time picked out by the people of Runway magazine. Blasberg uses this scene from the movie to show that, no matter what we think or do we are in someway impacted by the fashion industry. Therefore the industry (and humanity in general) has the duty to make everything better for the environment. I have been interested in the fashion industry and ways to be more ecofriendly for quite sometime. I can't claim to be a person who wears head-to-toe eco clothes, it is very hard to buy these clothes since they are so dang expensive! So I try to do my part by being aware, recycling, turning off the lights when I'm not in the room, ect. I love that more people are becoming more aware about this issue, because after all education is always the first step in solving the problem!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Who Say's

say about this photograph. Well...
besides the fact that the dress looks
like a beautiful cotton ball!
So in other news.... have you listened or watched John Mayer's new song "Who Say's?" I love, love, love John and this song so much. I've already listened to it like five gazillion time's since I bought it off of Itunes. What do you think of the song? Love it? Hate it (hows that possible...)? Now I'm going to make this post short, got to get ready for Glee which starts soon!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
People's Princess

Hippie, Hippie, Shake, Shake

Ahh... I've always loved hippies. I don't mean the crazy ones always smoking something but the ones who really embody what it means to be a hippie. I've always thought that to be a hippie you have to espouse peace, love, living an organic lifestyle. The most important part of the hippie attitude is adapting the idea of leaving the world a better place then you found it. So anyone can be a hippie; even a CEO of a company, a stay at home mom, a Buddhist Monk, the kid in the last seat of your English class, and the preppy girl at the YMCA. Just as long as you want to create a better world. Which means all the people named above could consider themselves a hippie, even if they don't fit the typical "hippie" stereotype. Which means I consider myself to be a hippie, not in the traditional sense mind you. I definitely think I got my "hippie attitude" from my parents and my aunt, especially from my mother. Both her and my Auntie Sheila both rebelled from their typical posh New Englander family. My mom traveled cross country by herself one summer, loves Native American artwork and culture, and funky clothing. Whereas ironically enough my Auntie married a wealthy businessman; yet she has a friend who is a Buddhist Monk in Butan, and she is a yoga teacher and believes in the Buddhist teachings. So yeah, I would definitely say I have the hippie thing going on in my family, and I'm proud of that!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Tiny Dancer
a "typical dancer" looks like, so pretty
and poised all the time. FYI that is
soooo... not true, some of the better dancers
are the clumsiest people outside of dancing (that
would be me!)
now when you combine the two
well, that just makes my day!
"princess ballerina" look but its still edgy and
beautiful at the same time.
bowler hat! Its genius!
"Ballerina, you must have seen her dancing in the sand
And now she's in me, always with me, tiny dancer in my hand"
Elton John-- Tiny Dancer
Elton John-- Tiny Dancer
Since I was a little girl I have always loved dancing, ballerina's and modern dance. Every summer I have attended the ballet with either my mom, grandma, or with friends. I love going to the ballet, seeing the elaborate dances, the stunning costumes, and the elegance of everything. I have always been and always will consider my self a dancer, I did modern dance for twelve years until an injury forced me to stop. Sometimes when no one is around I dance just by myself, I like the peace of having no one watching and criticising how I am dancing. I have always been incredibly inspired by dancers and of course the outfits too! So I hope you get as much joy as I do out of the photographs and dancing!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Words, All These Words...
big beautiful mass of feathers. It looks
so incredibly fuzzy, I would love to know
what the dress feels like.
wrote this line, it feeds my inner nourishment of good
storytelling ideas.

make me so sad, you can really feel
the emotions behind the image and the

want to know the whole story, but alas, I only
know a fragment of the whole piece. Wouldn't
this make an incredible story to read? I
shall have to keep this one in mind next time
I need a good plot for a story, its just to wonderful
to let it pass by.
So here is my weekly dose of inspiration, this week it is mainly a bunch of words with images.
I have just started reading The Catcher and The Rye, and all I can say is, why didn't I read it sooner? Its so amazing, I love how it is written, it doesn't feel stuffy and old unlike many "classics". Its a must read; go now, and grab a copy and settle down for a long night of enjoyable reading.
I have just started reading The Catcher and The Rye, and all I can say is, why didn't I read it sooner? Its so amazing, I love how it is written, it doesn't feel stuffy and old unlike many "classics". Its a must read; go now, and grab a copy and settle down for a long night of enjoyable reading.
Monday, October 5, 2009
A Cuppa Tea

With these winter months coming up fast I thought I would dedicate the post to my favourite hot drink which I like to warm me up after being stuck outside in the cold! I myself am much more of a tea drinker then a coffee drinker, although I wouldn't pass up a good cup of joe if it was offered. I think theirs something wonderful about a nice warm (or cold) cup of tea which just soothes the mind, body, and soul. I don't go a day without a cup of tea, I always have one with my lunch. Sure I get ridiculed for drinking tea in the middle of the day with a ham sandwich and fruit. But that's okay, I like my tea to much to give it up just because some people think its odd. The health benefits of drinking tea is enormous, people having been drinking different forms of it for centuries. It was easy to make, find some berries and herbs and boil some hot water and their you go; a nice drink of something hot. I love how I associate drinking tea with reading a good book curled up under the blankets, watching television before bed with my auntie and uncle cup in hand, drinking over a hot piping cup chatting with friends, and the social aspect of it during the Victorian era (and now days too). I love my tea so much that I had my auntie send me a box of Marks and Spencer's Gold for my birthday, since we had run out a few months prior and I was dissolute with out my M&S tea! Give me a mug of tea and some scones with jam and clotted cream and then I am in heaven! So what are you a coffee or tea girl?
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