Monday, November 30, 2009
Nothing Is More British Then Burberry
I love the combination of this
dress which is very flowy with the
boots, they make it more tough looking.
Right now I am loving Burberry scarves! Yesterday my father unearthed a scarf from a pile of his old winter clothes. This is rather ironic seeing as he has never been into designer labels, yet he has a Burberry scarf. He claims he bought it before I was born, and wore it only one or twice, where as my mother believes that my grandparents bought it for him in London. Who knows which version is true, all I know is I am now the proud owner of a vintage Burberry scarf! Don't you love it when you receive a pressie unexpectedly? It totally made my day.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Dorm Room
the furniture, and bedding with pops of colour.
instead of cloth. It makes the room look like a
starry night!
its not only circular but hanging as well!
I love the idea of putting a bed right into a
"nook and cranny," it looks so comforting.
Plus the rustic feel makes it even more
This looks like it could be easy enough to recreate in
a dorm room, just get a canopy and some adhesive
bird stickers and Voila! Instantly makes the room look
ten times more awesome!
If you can't tell by now, I am slightly obsessed with
canopy beds, I think they are so romantic and remind
me of my girlhood fantasies! I love how the walls slope
at an angel, and everything looks so simplistic yet stylish.
I am in love with this iron bed, It looks straight out
of a fairytale.
Recently I have taken an interest in home decor, studying up on bedrooms. It might be a tad to early to start thinking about such things, but I have started thinking of ways to make my dorm room in college more home-like. I don't start school until September 2010, yet, I can't help think of what my dream room would consist of. Obviously some of the rooms which I would love to have, wouldn't work in a dorm room setting but a girl can still dream, right? Maybe I can incorporate some of these room styles to my home when I'm a workn' women, since some of these ideas definitely wouldn't work in a college setting! Anywho... my break from school consist of Thanksgiving at my aunties house, eating lots of stuffing and mash potatoes, playing with Sadie (my cousin's puppy), laying around the house watching Elf, hanging out with my friend Ash, and working on college apps! I hope everyone else had a wonderful Turkey day (or tofurky day, seeing as I don't eat turkey and I'm sure lots of people don't as well).

"nook and cranny," it looks so comforting.
Plus the rustic feel makes it even more

a dorm room, just get a canopy and some adhesive
bird stickers and Voila! Instantly makes the room look
ten times more awesome!

canopy beds, I think they are so romantic and remind
me of my girlhood fantasies! I love how the walls slope
at an angel, and everything looks so simplistic yet stylish.

of a fairytale.
Recently I have taken an interest in home decor, studying up on bedrooms. It might be a tad to early to start thinking about such things, but I have started thinking of ways to make my dorm room in college more home-like. I don't start school until September 2010, yet, I can't help think of what my dream room would consist of. Obviously some of the rooms which I would love to have, wouldn't work in a dorm room setting but a girl can still dream, right? Maybe I can incorporate some of these room styles to my home when I'm a workn' women, since some of these ideas definitely wouldn't work in a college setting! Anywho... my break from school consist of Thanksgiving at my aunties house, eating lots of stuffing and mash potatoes, playing with Sadie (my cousin's puppy), laying around the house watching Elf, hanging out with my friend Ash, and working on college apps! I hope everyone else had a wonderful Turkey day (or tofurky day, seeing as I don't eat turkey and I'm sure lots of people don't as well).
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I love lace so therefore I love this dress. Its not your typical gaudy lace which you find on so many dresses, but its fine lace. I think I got my appreciation of lace from my uncle, he used to own a successful lace business which sold the fabrics to fashion designers. His company made the bride maids dresses which all my cousins wore at my parents wedding. It was these same brides maid dresses which my sister and I used to wear when playing dress up! The lace on the dresses were so pretty and detailed, they remind me of the frock in the above picture.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Another and Numero
the left, with the gold trimming. It looks like such a
pretty gown, definitely something I would wear
for prom (I want a unique dress, not what you
would think as a typical prom dress). Actually, I
would be happy to wear any of these dresses to prom!
of a bowler hat with black hearts on cheeks is
issue of Another mag, so excuse the fact that its cut off
at the bottom. What really matter's is how awesome Tilda
Swinton and the dress she is wearing are! I've never been
a huge fan of how Tilda dresses, but I've been coming around
to her style after seeing the images from Another mag. Plus, I
love her as the White Witch in the Narnia films!
gotten a better, more close up image of the picture,
but alas, no. Anyways, I digress, the dress which the
model is wearing is freaking gorgeous, no?
Today's post is a collection of images found from two more "offbeat" or "hard to find" copies of these magazines. I hope you enjoy all the images!
Sunday, November 22, 2009

I love receiving letters or packages in the mail. Yet, sadly with all this new finagled technology with a click of button people can be in contact with me. Don't get me wrong, I love technology (or else I wouldn't be blogging), but sometimes I would much rather receive a package or letter by mail then via Facebook or email. I fear that soon letter writing and paper cards (thank yous, or celebratory) will disappear. So, it is my new year's goal (yeah I know I'm starting early, so what) to write more letters, send more packages, and cards to my friends and family. Hopefully, I can spread joy to those when they least expect it. Everyone loves opening up the mailbox and finding a letter or package waiting for them, right?
Saturday, November 21, 2009
43 Things
I just discovered a really neat website called The mission of the website is for people to create "bucket lists" of their goals they want to accomplish before they die. Then check them off as they happen. I find it interesting to look at other peoples wishes, hopes and dreams for they inspire me to dream bigger then I ever have. I've started creating my list on the website, but I think I shall write them down on paper too, I do love the sensation of checking things off of a list! Looking on 43things, reminds me of the sweet movie the Bucket List about two terminally ill old men. The story is so special, it reminds me to live each day as if its my last! Though a word of warning; if you are going to watch it make sure you have a box of tissues, you will cry buckets!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Warning: *Lots of FanGirl Gushing*
Today my sister, and two of our friends caught the four o'clock showing of New Moon. I am not a huge fan of the books or the movies they have spawned yet, I was pleasantly surprised by the film. True, Robert Pattinson's acting was still pretty monotone and blah, but since he wasn't in much of the film, their wasn't much to worry about. Really, the only reason why I was excited to see the film was because of Taylor Lautner. While watching the film all I could keep on thinking about was how musclear he is! And also how uncomfortable movie theater seats are. So yah, I think I am officially a Taylor Lautner fangirl. Not a fangirl of the movie, or the books, but of the actor. okay, got it? I find the books to depict a girl who is too dependent on guys to make her happy, she's not a very good feminist and role model for young girls. But that topic is for another time, another post!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Mix It Up
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
This Isn't A Glossy
I don't think I normally do posts where I write about things I want to own, but today I'm going to make an exception. I would love a copy of Lula, Issue 9, with Karen Elson on the cover. Ever since I got the issue with model, Chanel Iman, during my trip to California this summer I've been dying for a new issue to come out. Finally, it has! I love the photographs and articles in Lula, they are completely different then most things featured in American mags. While we are on the topic of Lula, I urge you to check out their new re-done website, I love the new layout. They added a section of the website called "scrapbook" which features the inspiration and photographs of many of its celebrity contributors. Clemence Posey has been featured on "scrapbook" several times, its interesting to get a peek into the lives of people who I hold to high esteem. I was in Borders a few weekends ago when I spotted a copy of Lula, but I resisted temptation seeing as I'm practically broke. After all, good things come to those who wait, right?
P.S. I was going to upload pictures but my computer just decided to go all psycho and not let me upload a thing! Ugh... sometimes technology can be fickle!
P.S. I was going to upload pictures but my computer just decided to go all psycho and not let me upload a thing! Ugh... sometimes technology can be fickle!
Oh so pretty! I really love the colour combination of "lemongrass green" and a dark but bright pink. The two colours look even more spectacular with the details on the dress, and the jewels. The colour "lemongrass green" reminds me of the jacket which Michelle Obama wore to the inauguration, since that's what everyone described it as! Its an interesting colour combination, one which I want to try out in an outfit soon!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
packing, too many suitcases and so few hands to
carry them all!

a few years ago. Her style is just so amazing (plus
she was awesome in Harry Potter and the Goblet
of Fire)

So these pictures represent everything I'm inspired by lately.
Blindly Choose Your Destiny
Isn't it amazing? It gives me chills just looking at it, thinking
about how many people are in the world. Though,
I never realized how much electricity the U.S. uses,
we could turn off a lot of appliances when we are not
using them, especially at nighttime.
and I used to do. Such a pretty photograph
My sister and I would play a game when we were little. It involved the globe my grandma bought for us. We would spin the globe around and let our finger drag along on it, until it stopped spinning. Whatever country our finger landed on was where we said we would either live in or travel to someday. It might seem like a silly game, but for my sister and I, it was a way for us to pass the time by, dreaming up our grown up lives as world travelers. Sometimes I still run my finger over the globe dreaming about the places and people I might someday meet.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
Seven Things...

The Rules:
1. Thank the person who gave you this award
2. Copy the award and put it on your blog
3. Link to the person who gave you the award
4. Tell us 7 interesting things about you
5. Nominate 7 bloggers
6. Post the link to the seven bloggers
Seven Interesting Things About Me:
1. I have a Hebrew name, Yoninah Aliza, as well as my American name. I love my Hebrew name though!
2. I have studied three different languages other then English; Hebrew, Sign Language, and French and I'm rubbish at all of them.
3. I would rather eat more "ethnic foods" then the typical "american foods" every day, like Indian, Greek, Chinese, Thai, Sushi, ect.
4. My favourite colour is grey because it seems peaceful and cozy
5. My favourite male literary hero's include Harry Potter and Laurie from Little Women... god, I love them all so much!
6. I am obsessed with magazines (as if you haven't figured this out already), I own over 155 issues!
7. When I turned the right age to get a Hogwarts letter I was upset when I didn't receive one, I think I actually cried when I found out it wasn't real!
I tag.....
1. little miss dressup
2. liberty london girl
3. nini style
4. alice in wonderland
5. e.l.
6.emily cato
I want to dedicate this post to all these fabulous ladies for inspiring me to keep on blogging even when its only me reading the post! :)
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Bows and Perfume
they look so classic looking ontop of a hand mirror
and next to pearls.

The perfume which I still am lusting after, all these
years later. I swear next time I am in London, I'm
am going to buy myself a bottle. Even if it cost
a pretty penny.

Lula mag, cute shoes, and lace looking socks!
wrap all my music sheets in pretty blue ribbon. But alas,
I cannot even play a note on the recorder!
I am such a bows and perfume type of girl. I love ribbons tied up into sweet little bows, they remind me of the poofy dresses I used to where when I was younger. As for Perfume, that was the first beauty product I started wearing, years before I started wearing makeup. Without a hint of perfume in the air I feel lost. When I was younger I thought that all sophisticated women wore perfume, therefore I wanted to be a sophisticated women! I bought my first bottle of perfume, called Ghost, in Harrods. Now if you have ever set foot in the Harrods beauty department you will understand what I mean, It was magical! I had never seen such a store which was so elegant. Then a few years later I went into Harrods again, this time with my Auntie. I bought Marc Jacobs Violet. It was such a huge bottle of perfume that I still have a ton left. That same visit to London we went into Penhaligon's, a British institution. Penhaligon's is a perfumery, which has been around for over hundred and thirty years. We spent a good amount of time in the shop, smelling all the wonderful scents. I still remember getting a little sample sprayed on paper, it was called Elizabethan Rose. I'm still lusting after that scent, three years on. It smelled heavenly, just what I thought a proper English Rose would would wear. I've always been a firm believer that the power of a scent can change a persons mood. So I wear my scent according to the mood I am in that day, it's constantly changing.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Paper Cranes

Whenever I see a paper crane I am reminded of a sweet tale which I read when I was younger. Its called Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes. The story tells the true story of a girl who was born in Japan just before the end of WWII. When she turns ten she is diagnosed with Leukemia. She is told the story that if you fold a thousand paper cranes then it can bring you luck. Sadako hopes that she will get well by doing this. This is such a sweet and sad true story, and so whenever I see a crane it reminds me of it. This story reminds me to always have hope, even in the face of great adversity.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
The Freedom Of Speech
It seems that all I can think about lately is the debate for Universal Health Care in America on account we are learning about it in Economics. I won't divulge my own opinion too much on here about it other then to say, I think we need Universal Health Care. I totally respect other peoples opinion on it, but it is a very debatable and important topic. But the way I see it is everyone deserves the right to good Health Care; no matter whether they can afford it, or whatever previous condition they have. Sooo.... I suppose I should get off a controversial topic, before I offend people! But hey, we're all entitled to freedom of speech right? That's why we all blog! So what do you think about Universal Health Care or any other topics? I'm curious to see what other people think.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Street Style

I think I am obsessed. Obsessed with the fabulous street style of the people who live in Denmark, Sweden, or any of the other Nordic countries. This may sound a bit odd but one of my favourite blogs is CopenhagenStreetStyle! Another site I frequent is, they have lots of photographs of people from these cities. I love, love, love the clothes which everyone seems to wear in Copenhagen, Denmark and Stockholm, Sweden. I love how a lot of people wear the colours grey, black, creams, and brown so well mixing in other colours as well. But the colour combo's aren't overwhelming, like they tend to be around where I live. Maybe its because they have a European sensibility which isn't possessed often here in America but somehow they pull off such "plain" looks so well. These looks really aren't "plain", they have a lot of thoughtful details and such. Plus everything they wear looks so cozy and comfortable yet possesses style! My plan for this winter is to try to emulate these "styles", its going to be my new "look" I think!
Baby Blue Eyes

I believe I found this photograph on Jak&Jil, but right now I'm having a momentary lapse of forgetfulness, so if its from another site let me know! Anyways.... I love this photograph, I think its the combo of the brilliant blue eyes and curly hair which makes it. Well, besides the Rodart dress! Seriously though doesn't she look almost other worldly, and completely innocent?
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